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Hande and Kerem had a romantic dinner on Kerem's terrace!
Moments full of love at Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin's family dinner: 'I'm here forever'
Kerem Bürsin and Hande Erçel were spotted dancing on Maya's birthday!
Kerem Bürsin in love with social media star!
Hande Erçel said that she learnt what love is from Kerem Bürsin!
Hande Erçel look at Kerem's face and she kissed him!
Hande Erçel had Kerem Bürsin's picture made into a necklace!
Hande responded to the reconciliation allegations with Kerem!
¿Por qué Kerem Bürsin pasa tanto tiempo en España? ¡La verdad detrás de su amor por nuestro país!
Hande y Kerem comparten un día especial juntos puro romanticismo
The big secret of Hande Ercel and Kerem Bürsin has been revealed!
Kerem Bürsin received a gift to apologize to Hande Erçel!